Twigg Twp›58
- Publication:
- US, Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900
- Place:
- HAMILTON, Illinois
- Browse Description:
- Twigg Twp
- Enumeration District:
- 58
- Description:
- Twigg Twp (part of) Beginning at a point where Hog Creek intersects the section line near the NWcorner of section 30, thence south along the section line to the SWcorner of section 18; thence east along the county line to the SEcorner of section 13; thence north on the section line to a point where Hog Creek intersects secline near the SEcorner of section 25, thence west along the meanderings of said creek to place of beginning Twps 6 & 7, R6 E
- Sheet Number:
- 6B
- Residence:
- HAMILTON, Illinois
View the actual high resolution document.
About US, Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900
NARA T623. Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900 population schedules.
Source Information
Forces War Records, US, Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900 ( : accessed Dec 11, 2024), database and images,
- Publication Title
- US, Census - US Federal, 1900
- Total Records
- 4,604,531 Complete: 100%
- Content Source
- The National Archives
- Publication Number
- T623
- Record Group
- 29
- Published on Forces War Records
- October 19, 2009
- Last Updated
- June 24, 2010
Related Records
Related Publications
- US, 1860 Federal Census - Population
- US, Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910
- US, Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930
- US, Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920
- US, Project Blue Book, 1947-1969
- US, Pennsylvania Archives, 1660-1780
- US, Reflections of a Scientist, 1981
- US, Annual Reports of the Selectmen and Treasurer of the Town of Goffstown, 1890-1900
- US, Investigation and Trial Papers Relating to the Assassination of President Lincoln, 1865
- US, Faith of a Scientist
- See all publications