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William Piers

Civil War (Union) · US Army

United States of America

Source Documents

Source Website
Discharge, Enlistment, Military Service, PeopleUS, Civil War Service Index (CMSR) - Union - Pennsylvania, 1861-1865
Forces War Records iconForces War Records
ImageJun 1, 2012
Forces War Records iconForces War Records
ImageFeb 13, 2016
Forces War Records iconForces War Records
ImageFeb 12, 2016
Forces War Records iconForces War Records
ImageFeb 12, 2016
Forces War Records iconForces War Records
ImageFeb 12, 2016
Forces War Records iconForces War Records
ImageFeb 12, 2016
Forces War Records iconForces War Records
ImageFeb 12, 2016
Forces War Records iconForces War Records
ImageMar 12, 2016
Forces War Records iconForces War Records
ImageMar 12, 2016
Forces War Records iconForces War Records
ImageMar 12, 2016
Forces War Records iconForces War Records
ImageMar 12, 2016
Forces War Records iconForces War Records
MemorialOct 25, 2013
Forces War Records iconForces War Records
MemorialOct 25, 2013

Source URLs

Pyers, William (Sergeant) « 47th Pennsylvania VolunteersBiographical sketch of Sgt. William Pyers' wounds in action while saving the American flag from enemy capture and his later death in battle.
Pyers, Samuel Hunter (Field Musician) « 47th Pennsylvania VolunteersBiographical sketch of Samuel H. Pyers, who served with his father, Sgt. William Pyers, in Co. C, 47th Pennsylvania Volunteers.
About the 47th Pennsylvania Volunteers « 47th Pennsylvania VolunteersHistory of the regiment, including key battles, casualties, company rosters, biographical sketches, etc.
Sunbury Guards (Company F, 11th Pennsylvania Volunteers) « 47th Pennsylvania VolunteersHistory of the "Sunbury Guards," a local militia unit in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania (during the Civil War and pre- and post-Civil War).
Samuel Hunter Pyers
Franklin Pyers
Company F of the 11th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
Company C of the 47th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
Colonel Tilghman H. Good
reinterred at the Winchester National Cemetery

Other Sources

Find A Grave Memorial for Sgt. William Pyers:
Ibid. Schmidt.
Ibid. Schmidt and Registers of Deaths of U.S. Volunteers, etc.
Military Service
Ibid. Civil War Veterans' Card File and Registers of Deaths of U.S. Volunteers. Washington, D.C.: U.S. National Archives.
Bates, Samuel P. History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-5. Harrisburg: 1869.
Military Service, Other
Ibid. Civil War Veterans' Card File.
Military Service
Pyers, William, in Civil War Veterans' Card File. Harrisburg: Pennsylvania State Archives and U.S. Census: 1850, 1860.
Samuel Pyers at the Funeral of Abe Lincoln (Samuel Pyers’ obituary), in Lebanon Semi-Weekly News. Lebanon: 5 November 1931, etc.
Pyers, William, in Sunbury Guards (Company F, 11th Pennsylvania Volunteers), in 47th Pennsylvania Volunteers: One Civil War Regiment's Story.
Enlistment, Military Service
Pyers, William, in Civil War Veterans' Card File. Harrisburg: Pennsylvania State Archives.
Birth, Enlistment, Military Service, Other, People
Schmidt, Lewis. A Civil War History of the 47th Regiment of Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers. Allentown: Self-published, 1986.
Pyers, William and Matilda (Heddings) Pyers, in U.S. Civi War Widows' Pension Files.
Burial Ledgers, The National Cemetery Administration, and U.S. Departments of Defense and Army (Quartermaster General). Washington, D.C.: U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.
Ibid. Schmidt and National Cemetery Burial Ledgers.