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Index record for


UK, Army Roll of Honour, 1939-1945

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Fold3_Team  ·  Oct 31, 2023

Gazette Information: VICTORIA CROSS,: Second Lieutenant George Ward Gunn, 3rd Regiment, Royal Horse Artillery. On 21st November 1941 at Sidi Rezegh, Libya, an attack by 60 German tanks was countered by four anti-tank guns under the command of Second Lieutenant Gunn. During the engagement this officer drove from gun to gun in an unarmoured vehicle, encouraging his men, and when three of his guns were destroyed and the crew of the fourth, except the sergeant, were all dead or disabled, he took charge of this remaining weapon the portee of which was alight. There was danger of the flames exploding the ammunition with which the portee was loaded, but he managed to fire 50 rounds and set two enemy tanks on fire before he himself was killed. MILITARY CROSS,: