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Fold3_Team  ·  Oct 31, 2023

Gazette Information: GAZETTE ISSUE 29286, Victoria Cross,: His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to award the Victoria Cross to:- Second Lieutenant Sidney Clayton Woodroffe, late 8th Battalion, The Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort's Own). For most conspicuous bravery on 30th July 1915 at Hooge, Belgium. The enemy having broken through the centre of our front trenches, consequent on the use of burning liquids, this Officer's position was heavily attacked with bombs from the flank and subsequently from the rear, but he managed to defend his post until all the bombs were exhausted, and then skilfully withdrew his remaining men. This very gallant Officer immediately led his party forward in a counter-attack under an intense rifle and machine-gun fire, and was killed whilst in the act of cutting the wire obstacles in the open.