he following is a list of NARA titles on Footnote, sorted by NARA Microfilm publication number. It is maintained manually, so might be temporarily out of date for brief periods.
he following is a list of NARA titles on Footnote, sorted by NARA Microfilm publication number. It is maintained manually, so might be temporarily out of date for brief periods.
Owner contributions only
Created:Nov 8, 2007
Modified: Jan 21, 2009
View Count: 111(Recent: 1)
Forces War Records, NARA Titles on Footnote (https://ca.forceswarrecords.com/subject/1869/nara-titles-on-footnote/facts : accessed Nov 3, 2024), database and images, https://ca.forceswarrecords.com/subject/1869/nara-titles-on-footnote/facts