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New York 2nd Cavalry (Union)


Organized - New York 2nd Cavalry - New York


Battle - Carmel Church, Virginia


Battle - Cedar Mountain - Culpeper County, Virginia

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Cedar Mountain

Maj. Gen. John Pope was placed in command of the newly-constituted Army of Virginia on June 26th. Pope's orders were to defend Washington DC and Union-held northern Virginia while the Army of the Potomac under Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan battled Robert E. Lee outside of Richmond. When McClellan was defeated at the end of the Seven Days battles less than a week later, Lee turned his attention north toward Pope while McClellan regrouped his army. Pope's three army corps were arrayed in a line from the Blu…READ MORE


Battle - First Rappahannock Station - Culpeper County, Virginia; Fauquier County, Virginia


Battle - Thoroughfare Gap - Fauquier County, Virginia; Prince William County, Virginia

Thumbnail for Thoroughfare Gap
Thoroughfare Gap

After the early summer collapse of the Union Peninsula Campaign offensive to capture Richmond, Robert E. Lee sought to move his army north and threaten Washington DC before Union forces could regroup. His trusted and highly capable "wing" commanders, Maj. Gen. "Stonewall" Jackson and Lieut. Gen. James Longstreet, brought Lee's army within 35 miles of the Union capital by the end of August. Jackson waited for the arriving Union army near Manassas. Longstreet, trailing Jackson by a day, met the Union divisi…READ MORE


Battle - Second Bull Run - Prince William County, Virginia

Thumbnail for Second Bull Run
Second Bull Run

After the early summer collapse of the Union Peninsula Campaign offensive to capture Richmond, Robert E. Lee sought to move his army north and threaten Washington DC before Union forces could regroup.READ MORE


Battle - Chancellorsville - Spotsylvania County, Virginia

Thumbnail for Chancellorsville

On April 27, 1863, Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker launched a turning movement designed to pry Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia out of its lines at Fredericksburg.READ MORE


Battle - Louisa Court House, Virginia


Battle - Louisa Court House, Virginia


Battle - Aldie - Loudoun County, Virginia

Thumbnail for Aldie

Less than two weeks after the start of the Gettysburg Campaign, Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart's cavalry successfully screened the Confederate infantry as it marched north behind the sheltering Blue Ridge Mountains. The Union Cavalry Corps commander, Brig. Gen. Alfred Pleasanton, ordered forward the division of Brig. Gen. David McMurtrie Gregg to penetrate Stuart's screen. The probing Federals of Brig. Gen. Judson Kilpatrick's cavalry brigade, in the advance of Gregg's division, encountered Col. Thomas T. Munford…READ MORE


Battle - Middleburg - Loudoun County, Virginia

Thumbnail for Middleburg

Less than two weeks after the start of the Gettysburg Campaign, Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart's cavalry screened the Confederate infantry as it marched north behind the sheltering Blue Ridge Mountains. Stuart established his headquarters at Middleburg, on the Ashby's Gap Turnpike just east of the Blue Ridge, and scattered his brigades throughout the Loudoun Valley to monitor Union activity. Stuart's counterpart, the Federal cavalry commander, Maj. Gen. Alfred Pleasanton, had orders to penetrate Stuart's screen a…READ MORE


Battle - Aldie, Virginia


Battle - Aldie, Virginia


Battle - Middleburg, Virginia


Battle - Upperville - Loudoun County, Virginia

Thumbnail for Upperville

On June 21st, Union cavalry made a another determined effort to pierce Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart's cavalry screen of Robert E. Lee's invading army as it moved north. Two days after skirmishing with the Union cavalry brigade of Col. J. Irvin Gregg in and around Middleburg, Brig. Gens. Wade Hampton and Beverly Robertson's brigades made a stand and beat back Brig. Gen. David McM. Gregg's division near a stone bridge over Goose Creek, four miles east of Upperville. Gregg called for infantry support, and received…READ MORE


Battle - Rockville, Maryland


Battle - Gettysburg - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Thumbnail for Gettysburg

In the summer of 1863, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee launched his second invasion of the Northern states. Lee sought to capitalize on recent Confederate victories and defeat the Union army on Northern soil, which he hoped would force the Lincoln administration to negotiate for peace. Lee also sought to take the war out of the ravaged Virginia farmland and gather supplies for his Army of Northern Virginia. Using the Shenandoah Valley as cover for his army, Lee was pursued first by Union Maj. Gen. Joseph Ho…READ MORE


Battle - Williamsport - Washington County, Maryland

Thumbnail for Williamsport

During the night of July 4-5th, General Robert E. Lee's battered army began its retreat from Gettysburg, moving southwest toward Hagerstown and the Potomac River crossing at Williamsport, screened by Maj. Gen. J. E. B. Stuart's cavalry. Lee's infantry reached the rain-swollen Potomac but could not cross, the pontoon bridge having been destroyed by a cavalry raid. On July 11th, Lee entrenched a line protecting the river crossings at Williamsport and waited for Maj. Gen. George G. Meade's army to advance. On…READ MORE


Battle - Liberty Mills, Virginia


Battle - New Baltimore, Virginia


Battle - Mine Run - Orange County, Virginia

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Mine Run

After the inconclusive Bristoe Campaign in the fall of 1863, Maj. Gen. George G. Meade planned one more offensive against Gen. Robert E. Lee in northern Virginia before winter weather ended military operations. In late November, Meade attempted to steal a march southeast from Culpeper Courthouse, turn south through the Wilderness and strike the right flank of the Confederate army south of the Rapidan River. On November 27th, Maj. Gen. Jubal A. Early, in command of Ewell's Corps, marched east on the Orange…READ MORE


Battle - Raccoon Ford, Virginia


Battle - Ashland, Virginia


Battle - Old Church, Virginia


Battle - Campti, Louisiana


Battle - Wilderness - Spotsylvania County, Virginia; Orange County, Virginia

Thumbnail for Wilderness

The first battle between Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant and Gen. Robert E. Lee erupted late in the morning of May 5, 1864, as Maj. Gen. Gouverneur K. Warren's Union V Corps attacked Lt. Gen. Richard S. Ewell's Second Corps on the Orange Turnpike southwest of the old Chancellorsville battlefield. Although Federal infantry managed to break through at several points, the Confederate line held. Fighting shifted to the south as Lt. Gen. A.P. Hill's Third Corps engaged Maj. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock's II Corps and ele…READ MORE


Battle - Todd's Tavern - Todd's Tavern, Virginia

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Todd's Tavern MORE


Battle - Cedar Creek, Virginia


Battle - Monocacy, Maryland


Battle - Gainesville - Gainesville, Florida


Battle - Shepherdstown, West Virginia


Battle - Berryville - Clarke County, Virginia


Battle - Berryville, Virginia


Battle - Third Winchester - Frederick County, Virginia; Winchester, Virginia

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Third Winchester

To clear the Shenandoah River valley of Confederates, Maj. Gen. Phil Sheridan moved on Winchester in mid-September 1864. Sheridan's force of over 39,000 men was more than twice the size of Maj. Gen. Jubal Early's Confederate army defending the valley. After Brig. Gen. Joseph Kershaw's division left Winchester to rejoin Robert E. Lee's army at Petersburg, Early renewed his raids on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at Martinsburg in the lower valley, dispersing his four remaining infantry divisions. On Septem…READ MORE


Battle - Chaffin's Farm - Henrico County, Virginia


Battle - Fisher's Hill - Shenandoah County, Virginia

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Fisher's Hill

Confederate Maj. Gen. Jubal Early's Army of the Valley, bloodied by its defeat at the Third Battle of Winchester on September 19th, retreated 20 miles up the valley and took a defensive position in an east-west line across Fisher's Hill, southwest of Strasburg. Maj. Gen. Phillip Sheridan's Army of the Shenandoah, in accordance with Lieut. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's orders, aggressively pursued Early. Sheridan, outnumbering Early about three to one, noted that the right of the Confederate line was anchored o…READ MORE


Leadership Change - Regiment - Captain Andrew S. Glover


Leadership Change - Brigade - Colonel Alexander Cummings McWhorter Pennington Jr.


Leadership Change - Division - Brigadier General George Armstrong Custer

Brigadier GeneralGeorge Armstrong Custer


Battle - Cedar Creek - Frederick County, Virginia; Shenandoah County, Virginia; Warren County, Virginia

Thumbnail for Cedar Creek
Cedar Creek

Also known as: Cedar Creek, Belle GroveREAD MORE


Battle - Cedar Creek, Virginia


Battle - Mount Jackson, Virginia


Battle - Mount Jackson, Virginia


Battle - Ashland, Virginia


Leadership Change - Regiment - Colonel Alanson Merwin Randol


Leadership Change - Brigade - Colonel Alexander C. M. Pennington


Leadership Change - Division - undefined Bvt MG George Armstrong Custer


Battle - Five Forks - Five Forks, Virginia

Thumbnail for Five Forks
Five Forks

The Union victory along the White Oak Road on March 31st threatened to destabilize the entire Confederate line west of Petersburg. General Robert E. Lee ordered Maj. Gen. George Pickett with his infantry division and the cavalry divisions of Col. Thomas Munford, Maj. Gen. W.H.F. Lee, and Maj. Gen Thomas Rosser to hold the vital crossroads of Five Forks, along the White Oak Road five miles west of the previous fighting there. Pickett's defensive line was not well constructed, and much of his cavalry force w…READ MORE


Battle - Appomattox Court House - Appomattox Court House, Virginia

Thumbnail for Appomattox Court House
Appomattox Court House

Between 26,000 and 28,000 Confederate soldiers surrendered and were paroled.READ MORE


Battle - Morrisville - Morrisville, North Carolina


Mustered Out - New York 2nd Cavalry - New York

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