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Kentucky 1st Infantry (Confederate)


Organized - Kentucky 1st Infantry - Kentucky


Battle - Dranesville - Fairfax County, Virginia


Following the Battle of Ball's Bluff on October 21st, both armies halted operations in northern Virginia and went into winter quarters. Small detachments daily probed the enemy's positions, patrolled roads and obtained forage. Early on the morning of December 20th, Confederate Gen. J. E. B. Stuart, with a mixed brigade of infantry, 150 of his cavalry troopers and a four-gun Georgia battery, set out north from Centreville with some wagons on a foraging expedition into the area around Dranesville in Loudon C…READ MORE


Battle - Siege of Yorktown (1862) - York County, Virginia; Newport News, Virginia

Siege of Yorktown (1862)
Siege of Yorktown (1862)

Most of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston's army was not on the peninsula on April 4th when Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan departed Fortress Monroe on his Peninsula Campaign. The only force opposing the Yankee advance up the peninsula toward the Confederate capital at Richmond was Maj. Gen. John B. Magruder's small force of two divisions at Yorktown behind the Warwick River. Magruder's deceptive theatrics, conspicuously parading his men back and forth behind his defenses, convinced the Federals that his works were s…READ MORE


Mustered Out - Kentucky 1st Infantry - Kentucky


Battle - Seven Pines - Henrico County, Virginia

Seven Pines
Seven Pines

Gen. Joseph E. Johnston withdrew his army from the Virginia Peninsula toward the Confederate capital of Richmond as Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan's army pursued him. By the end of May, Johnston held a defensive position seven miles east of the city on the Richmond and York River Railroad. McClellan's army facing Johnston straddled the Chickahominy River and stretched south. Capturing the initiative from his Union foe, Johnston attempted to overwhelm two Federal corps isolated south of the river. The Confed…READ MORE

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