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United States 2nd Volunteer Sharpshooters (Union)


Organized - United States 2nd Volunteer Sharpshooters - United States


Leadership Change - Regiment - Colonel Henry A. V. Post


Battle - Antietam - Sharpsburg, Maryland


The Army of the Potomac, under the command of Maj. Gen. George McClellan, mounted a series of powerful assaults against General Robert E. Lee's forces along Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland, on September 17th, 1862.READ MORE


Leadership Change - Regiment - Major Homer R. Stoughton


Leadership Change - Brigade - Colonel Hiram Berdan


Leadership Change - Division - Brigadier General Amiel W. Whipple, and Brigadier General Charles K. Graham

Brigadier GeneralAmiel W. Whipple

Brigadier GeneralCharles K. Graham


Leadership Change - Division - Brigadier General Amiel W. Whipple

Brigadier GeneralAmiel W. Whipple


Battle - Chancellorsville - Spotsylvania County, Virginia


On April 27, 1863, Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker launched a turning movement designed to pry Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia out of its lines at Fredericksburg.READ MORE


Leadership Change - Brigade - Brigadier General J. H. Hobart Ward, and Colonel Hiram Berdan

Brigadier GeneralJ. H. Hobart Ward

ColonelHiram Berdan


Leadership Change - Division - Brigadier General J. H. Hobart Ward, and Major General David B. Birney

Brigadier GeneralJ. H. Hobart Ward

Major GeneralDavid B. Birney


Leadership Change - Division - Brigadier General J. H. Hobart Ward

Brigadier GeneralJ. H. Hobart Ward


Battle - Gettysburg - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania


In the summer of 1863, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee launched his second invasion of the Northern states. Lee sought to capitalize on recent Confederate victories and defeat the Union army on Northern soil, which he hoped would force the Lincoln administration to negotiate for peace. Lee also sought to take the war out of the ravaged Virginia farmland and gather supplies for his Army of Northern Virginia. Using the Shenandoah Valley as cover for his army, Lee was pursued first by Union Maj. Gen. Joseph Ho…READ MORE


Battle - Mine Run, Virginia


Leadership Change - Brigade - Brigadier General Régis de Trobriand

Brigadier GeneralRégis de Trobriand


Leadership Change - Division - Brigadier General Gershom Mott

Brigadier GeneralGershom Mott


Battle - Second Deep Bottom - Henrico County, Virginia

Second Deep Bottom
Second Deep Bottom

As he had done in late July during the Battle of the Crater, Lieut. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant called upon Maj. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock and his Second Corps to attack Gen. Robert E. Lee's forces around Richmond to exploit suspected weaknesses in Lee's lines. In early August, Grant had detached the Sixth Corps from the Union lines around Richmond and Petersburg and sent them to the Shenandoah Valley under Maj. Gen. Phil Sheridan. Sheridan's new army there was to counter Gen. Jubal Early, then operating in the v…READ MORE


Leadership Change - Brigade - Brigadier General P. Regis De Trobriand

Brigadier GeneralP. Regis De Trobriand


Leadership Change - Division - undefined Bvt MG Gershom Mott


Battle - Boydton Plank Road - Dinwiddie County, Virginia


Leadership Change - Brigade - Brigadier General Régis de Trobriand

Brigadier GeneralRégis de Trobriand


Leadership Change - Division - Major General Gershom Mott

Major GeneralGershom Mott


Battle - Hatcher's Run - Dinwiddie County, Virginia

Hatcher's Run
Hatcher's Run

By February 1865, the stalemate around Petersburg had entered its eighth month. Lieut. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant began to stretch the Union battle lines to the west in an attempt to get Gen. Robert E. Lee's under strength army to do the same. On February 5th, Union Brig. Gen. David Gregg's cavalry division rode out to the Boydton Plank Road via Reams Station and Dinwiddie Court House in an attempt to intercept Confederate supply trains. Maj. Gen. Gouverneur K. Warren with the Fifth Corps crossed Hatcher's Run…READ MORE


Mustered Out - United States 2nd Volunteer Sharpshooters - United States

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